The Structures and Materials Laboratory has a diverse community of domestic/international undergraduate students, graduate students, and field experts that are committed to interdisciplinary research with institutions worldwide as part of our core mission.
Center for Integration of Composites into Infrastructure (CICI)
The Center for the Integration of Composites into Infrastructure (CICI) is a multi-university National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) established in July of 2009.
CICI originates from a merger of the efforts of four universities: West Virigina University (WVU), the lead institution, Texas A&M University (TAMU), University of Miami (UM), and North Carolina State University (NCSU).
The overall mission of CICI is to accelerate the adoption of polymer composites and innovative construction materials into infrastructure and transportation through collaborative research.
More specifically, the center intends to stimulate applications, cost effective repair and rehabilitation schemes using composites in civil and military structures in collaboration with industry partners.
Focus areas cover different fibers/polymers, including natural and bio-constituent materials to create new application areas.